I tend to be one of those people that over plan everything. I cannot help it. I enjoy the planning.
My dear sweet daughter is one of those people who spontaneously decides she wants to do something. She loves her DVD's and right now one of her most favorite movies is The Parent Trap. She does not watch the old one she watches the new one with Lindsey Lohan (back when she was thinking with her brain). Anyway, I won't start on that tangent but getting back to the point. In that movie Annie and Hallie go camping with their father and Merideth the evil fiance of their father. Emmie announces to me one day last week that she wants to go camping in a tent like Annie and Hallie.
I am not sure she has really comprehended what camping truly entails. I have told her that I love to go camping and if she wants to go camping we'll go. I then tell her that I hope she likes it because I really like it and we could go a lot if she likes it. She follows up with "I will like it! I promise!"
To that end I have been checking prices on tents and camping gear. I have been on a number websites and directly in the stores. Let me tell you, they have some tents that sell for more than $500.00. What is the point of that? I mean they don't have built in fire places, air conditioning or anything. There was one cool tent that had a built in lighting system but that one was smaller than I wanted and still it cost more than $100.
Today I went online and looked over the Sears website. I had forgotten Sears carried camping supplies. They had a two day sale and today was the last day of the sale. I found a tent on sale for $59.99 ($60.00 off). I had to buy it. It sleeps 8 which means there is plenty of room. We have room for Emmie and I and a queen size inflatable mattress plus all of our stuff. I checked the reviews on it and there were several people who boasted "LOVING this tent". One person wrote that they had had their tent for 13 years. The only reason they are in the market for another tent is that thier teenagers no longer want to be seen with them in public or sharing a tent. Another reviewer said they had their Hillary tent for 10 years and it is great. Here is a picture of our lovely tent. If Little Missy May decides she really does like camping we can up grade in a few years if we need to. I did not want to spend money on an expensive tent, use it once and Emmie decide she is never sleeping in a tent again. So, there it is. Below you can see our lovely tent. Tomorrow we will be setting it up in the back yard to see how it works. I think I'll set it up and take it down then set it up again. I don't want to get out in "the wild" and find myself unable to set the thing up. We'll post pictures of our backyard adventure.
After we picked up the tent at Sears, we went into Target to check out some of their camping gear. It was hot and the sun was shining. I am not sure how long we were in there but we left about two minutes too late. As we walked towards the parking lot, I could see it coming from two directions. It was pouring down raining at the edge of the parking lot and moving towards the building. I looked to the left and it was coming from that direction too. We watched it move towards us over about 5 seconds time. Had we made a dash for the car, we would have been soaked to the bone. Instead we sat on the rubbermaid tub we bought to hold camping supplies and waited it out. Only a few brave souls made the mad dash to the car and when they came back they were completely drentched even with umbrellas. When it let up to just a light rain, Emmie and I made our move and ran towards the car. For some one who does not like water on her face she was laughing hysterically by the time we got to the car. She was screaming like a girl all the way there and we were park in the second parking space from the handicap spaces. We got into the car and she was still laughing and "whewing" as she buckled her seat belt. She was a riot.