EmmaLi loves bowling. Her facial expressions when she is bowling surpass those of anything else she enjoys other than getting trophies and scoring goals.
There were several couples bowling a few lanes down from us. After our first game I noticed that there were two women in the group who were not bowling but sitting in the spectator area watching their spouses and friends bowl. Half way through our second game, they stopped watching their people bowl and were watching EmmaLi! They were shouting and cheering her on. They were woo hooing her and jumping up and down hen she got her spare. It was a riot!
EmmaLi not only likes bowling but she also does a great job of cheering me on when it is my turn. She says "Nice try Mom." whenever I got a split. If I got a strike she was woo hooing me and telling me "Great job Mom! You are awesome!"
I just love this kid and I have no idea how I was so lucky to be blessed to be her Mom. Her energy is sometimes draining but most of the time catching. Her enthusiasm for life and the simple things is nothing short of amazing. To have a kid that says "Oh Yay! New Chap Stick!" when she gets a new Burt's Bees Chap Stick reminds me to be grateful for all things great (like her) and small like a new chap stick. With any luck she will remain this easy to please...I know it's wishful thinking but maybe if I do it right she will be grateful for all things for a long time.
provided by website-hit-counters.com |