Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Out of the mouths of babes

We are in the middle of changing day cares at the moment. While I am not going to go into details as to why (that is for a different day) I have to tell you a conversation Emmie and I had today. Emmie was very concerned about what time I was picking her up today and why we were not going to visit her new school and whether I would be with her in the afternoon when we visited her school to meet the late afternoon teacher.

Emmie: What time are you picking me up today?
Me: Emmie, I told you last night what time I was picking you up. What time did I tell you?
Emmie: Ten after five.
Me: That is correct. I will pick up up at ten after five.
Emmie: Are we going to meet my other teacher today?
Me: Yes, we will spend several afternoons with her so you can get to know her before you stay there all day.
Emmie: but Mom...
Me: Emmie, let me explain something to you. You will have many, many changes in teachers over the years. You will change schools several times because you will out grow the school and need another school that will teacher you more. We might even move to a different house one day. But you know what is never going to change? One thing that will never change is that I will always be your Mommy. Your Mommy is not going to change. It will always be me. I am not going anywhere and I will always be there to pick yo up. Even if I am just a couple minutes late, I WILL be ther and I will still be your mom.

To which Emmie replied "I love that!" and started laughing.

She cracks me up sometimes.

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