She got to break a board by kicking it. See photo to the right.
She also got to see Callie play soccer. For about the past month Emmie keeps telling me she wanted to be a soccer player when she grows up. I have been seeing signs up promoting the local youth soccer league. Every time we pass one of those signs I ask her if she wants to play. She tells me no. Finally, the signs came down and I stopped asking her as the registration is over. Suddenly, she wants to play soccer now. I called around to see if I can get her on a team. As it turns out the coed teams are completely full. There are spaces on a girls team but because the practices are from 6:00 to 7:00pm on what ever night they practice, and the field is easily 30 minutes away from her day care. I do not get off work until 6:00pm so we could not make the practice. I got a call last night from a woman from the girls soccer league in town and she has found a spot on a field that is between Emmie's day care and my work. We could make that practice with a little modification of my schedule. I am supposed to call ehr tonight to confirm the date and time and whether she has the space for sure. Cross your fingers she can get on the team.
Here is a picture of Callie playing soccer!

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