Saturday after going to Emmie's soccer game at 9:00am and Country Adventures from 12:30 til 2:45 we met our friends Chrissy, Gordy and Jackie to go to the State Fair.

These guys were totally funny. There were several guys with these big thick glasses on and would hunch over like hunch backs.

Emmie was so excited all week. Every day on the way to school she would tell me she is so excited to go to the fair. When I picked her up and we were going home she would tell me she was so excited to go to the fair. Every night when we were laying in bed she in the dark this little voice would come out of the darkness "Mama?" "Yes Emmie?" "I am so, so, so, so, so excited to go to the fair." I guess she wanted to let me know just how excited she was to go.
There was only one thing I absolutely wanted to do this year at the fair. I wanted to see the show Jigu! Thunder Drums of China! sponsered by WLTX TV.
We saw the show first thing when we arrived. They were awesome. It was a group of young men and women (looked to be high school age or just out of high school) who were excellent drummers. I need to research their program a little more to see if they had regional songs and costumes. They changed costumes after each song. Emmie LOVED the show! She sat on my lap mesmirized by the show. I had warned her a month ago and continued to warn her last week that the drums would most likely be very loud and she would need to put her fingers in her ears so it wouldn't be so loud. (She has some issues with loud noices) By the end of the show she did not have her fingers in her ears. On the way out she said "WOW Mommy! I wish I had drums like those!" LOL My little musician wants every instrument known to mankind. Here are a few pictures of the show. If you every have the opportunity to see them I would encourage you to do so. They were great!
The opening....
These guys were totally funny. There were several guys with these big thick glasses on and would hunch over like hunch backs.
Emmie asked if these women were Chinese Princesses.

How many drums can you attach to yourself and still play?
How many drums can you attach to yourself and still play?
Emmie now takes her drum sticks and my laundry basket and pretends she is one of the Thundre Drum Princesses. It quick humerous.
Emmie's favorite midway ride was the sky lift. It was her absolute favorite. We rode it across the midway one way and walked back across. Before we left she wanted to do it again but she wanted to go there and back. Here are some pictures from the sky lift.
We rode the Busy Bees too. She wanted to go up and stay up. So that is what we did.
Last Emmie and Jackie went on this ride called Cops. I am not sure what they saw inside the tunnel but Emmie and Jackie were laughing hysterically on that ride together. Here is a picture of the two of them up close and also one which shows how much fun they had.
I do have to say again what good friends Emmie and Jackie are. They went on another ride which was sort of an obsticle course kind of thing. They had to walk through some hanging heavy bags, up some steps, climb a rope ladder, then down a blow up slide, then walk up two levels of rope bridge to a top level where they slide all the way down the slide to the exit. The two of them looked like Donkey and Shrek! LOL (Jackie being Donkey and Emmie being Shrek) Jackie was bouncing all over the place, running through as fast as she could, scaling the rope ladder and bouncing her way up that rope bridge all excited. Emmie on the other hand has issues with people messing with her gravity. She waited for the mass of kids to climb the rope ladder; whereas Jackie pushed her way through it and climbed up with the masses. Once at the top she was off and running again. There was a dad in with his son who stopped the bigger kids from trying to climb it when Emmie was climbing. Jackie came back and offered Emmie a hand in getting up the ladder (too cute!). The two of them were off again. They went to the rope bridge and Jackie started off again all excited running up the bridge like Donkey. Emmie on the other hand was a little nervous being up so high and having those big kids messing with her gravity again. The dad that helped her earlier helped again. He kept the big kids behind her or they would have ranand scurried past her. By this time, Emmie had a long line of kids behind her. Jackie was all the way to the slide and waited for Emmie to catch up. I saw them coming down the slide together. I went to the end where they come out and was surprised to see them coming down the slide holding hands. It was adorable. Unfortunately, my camera memory card was full so I did not get any pictures of them in this ride or holding hands... my one photographic regret of the night.
This morning Emmie was looking at Jackie's picture on the refridgerator and said "I miss Jackie Gaskill. I love her so much." She was totally serious too. When it was time for them to say good bye last night Jackie hugged Emmie so tight and said "I am going to miss you so much!"