Well, it is October so that can only mean that it is time to make our way to Country Adventures. Every year we go there to start the beginning of the fall season. This year the FCC (Families with Children from China) and the AFG (Adoptive Families Group) went together and had their October get together at Country Adventure. The routine is the same but some how the little ones never get tired of it. I know Emmie doesn't.
Brushing the Donkey.
A picture of turkeys.
Below are two pictures of Emmie riding Ranger. She has rides Ranger ever year at Country Adventure. He is such a sweet horse and so gentle with the littlest kids.
After the pony rides we take a hay ride to a pumpkin patch where the kiddos are allowed to pick out a small pumpkin.
Once we picked out a pumpkin and finished the hay ride, we had a weiner roast. Well, actually, they cooked the hotdogs on a grill and we made S'mores ourselves.

After lunch we headed out and stopped to take these pictures along the way. I told Emmie we needed to take pictures of her boyfriends on the way out. She remembered my teasing II about that last year. I also called them Emmie's boyfriends as well. She now lovingly calls the scarecrows at Country Adventures her boyfriends.

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