EmmaLi is fortunate to have a mommy who lets her have a long Christmas holiday. She gets so many toys for Christmas she doesn't get much time to play with them due to holiday travling and is pulling out gifts a month after Christmas that she hadn't even played with yet. Because of this I let her open her gifts from me a week or so before Christmas. Today was supposed to be the day she opened her gifts. I asked her if she wanted to open them last night and she said "No, Thank you." I was quite taken back by that answer. I was starting to wonder where I went wrong considering I cannot wait to open gifts. I cannot wait for HER to open her gifts.
About an hour later she said "Mama, Can open 1 Christmas present?" I said "Sure! Which one do you want to open?" She said "I think I want to open all of them." as she grinned real big. So below are the pictures of her opening a few of her presents from Mommy.
The tree before she started opening.
This is one of her favorite gifts and she didn't even ask for it. She asked for a Marble Run which her Aunt Crazy is getting for her. After she was done opening her presents I asked her if she was happy with her gifts and she said "no." I asked why? Her response was I didn't get my Marble Run. She now plays with this like a Marble Run. She sets it up and then turns the crank to make the wheel turn which cause the stop sign to hitthe boot which tips the bucket sending the marble down the stairs to the curvy slide which hits the pole that knocks the marble into the bathtub and down a hole which drops on one end of a teeter totter which sends the man at the other end of the teeter totter head diving into an empty bucket which tips the pole holding the net, knocking the net off the top and down the pole to catch the mouse!

She absolutely HAD to have this new computer with a mouse. I sort of played with it a bit and it's not easy to figure out what you are supposed to do. We'll see if my brillient child can figure it out. I am sure she will.
With her soccer training kit. She was very excited to get this to go along with her new pink soccer ball. She loves playing soccer and now she has a goal to practice kicking the ball into. 
Hugging her new Webkinz beagle puppy. I asked her what her new puppy's name is and she decided her puppy is a girl and her name is Dolly Parton.
Just what I wanted! She loves this tent and tonight she will be sleeping in this tent with her sleeping bag. She wanted to sleep in it in the living room last night but then realized there is no night light in the living room and it is very dark in there at night. LOL
Now Ms Emmie is whining at me that she wants more presents. She wants to open some of my presents for me. Hmm.. doesn't sound like a good idea to me. I tell her she needs to wait until Christmas morning and she says she doesn't want to wait. It is hard to wait. My poor baby! It's tough being four and excited for Christmas.
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