We returned from The Outerbanks on a Sunday and then left again on Thursday for part two of our vacation. This time we packed up the camping gear and headed to the Smokey Mountains.
Last year for the Fourth of July was the first time she sat in a chair with me and watched the fireworks in the neighborhood. We had never gone to a "real fireworks display" because she never liked them much. They were too loud and unpredicatable for her. However, last year that all changed. This year I wanted to go some where for the Fourth of July celebration. We decided to go to Gatlinburg TN. It's close and we had another camping trip already planned for the dates after the 4th.
We camped at a campground called Adventure Bound. It had a lot to offer. It was fairly close to Gatlinburg and had a pool, waterslide, fishing pond, and go carts if you wanted to rent those. The campsite was a great one. It was completely shady which was great with a tent. It backed up to a creek which was natural entertainment for EmmaLi. Whenever I was making dinner or packing everything up, she went to the creek to throw rocks. Here are some pictures of the camp ground.
We also went into the Great Smokey Mountains National Park. When we were in the Outer Banks EmmaLi got a "Passport to the National Parks" book. You take it with you each time you visit a National Park and they stamp it marking your date of visit. We made sure we went to the visitor center and got her stamp for The Smokey Mountains. We also picked up a Junior Ranger book but she didn't complete that project. We'll save it for another trip. It would have been difficult to complete that project. One of the things she was supposed to do was pick up a grocery store bag full of trash. Honestly, we didn't see any trash except a water bottle top here and there. She also needed to attend a guided activity with a Ranger but we didn't have time to do that. Here are some pictures of us in the Mountains.
Photo posting problems again...wi;l; try again later.
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