I was allowed to walk her to class the first three days. On the forth day I walked her and our neighbor girl to the "green hall" and they walked the rest of the way them selves. The fifth day I walked them into the building and they walked the rest of the way themselves. Her teacher had them practicing walking to their class too.
Here is EmmaLi and our neighbor girl walking to school on the first day.
This is EmmaLi with her Teacher Mrs Ricard.
This is EmmaLi with her Teacher Assistant Mrs Jumper.
EmmaLi loves her teachers. She got the best teachers in her entire school. She is big on communication and big on reading. EmmaLi loves reading and loves that she has homework!? Of course, her homework is nothing that we don't do already. She is supposed to read no less than 10 books per month. We write the name of the book and the author in her homework folder. When she has ten books she gets a prize. We also have home work like bringing her her activities at school home and reading it to me. I sign it and she takes it back. She brings it home again and it has a "Great Job" sticker on it. She has also had to find things at home based on shape. One day she had to bring a circle from home. She brought a Dora Plate. Then she needed some thing square and she took a square sticker with a raised dolphin on it. She also took a rectangle and triangle. The class used the things they brought in and glued them to a poster for their shape posters. When the class as a whole gets a "way to go" from one of the related arts teachers or administrators, they get "Brownie points". The teacher has a picture of a baking pan on the door. When they get a brownie point, the teacher puts a picture of a piece of brownie on the pan. When the pan is full, she will bring brownies in for the entire class. These are just two awesome teachers.
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