EmmaLi has been counting down the days to Halloween since September. She is so excited she cannot stand it. Normally we go to Country Adventures for the annual FCC (Families with Children from China) and AFG (Adoptive Families Group) where we participate in pony rides, petting farm animals, hay ride, pumpkin patch and ending with a weenie roast. This year we had a slight conflict with soccer so we didn't go. I didn't think EmmaLi would miss not going but she asked when we were going. Next year we'll have to go if we are still living here.
On to the pumpkin deets. This year she was flip flopping back and forth about what she wanted to carve on her pumpkin. At first she wanted a bat since that is what she will be tonight for trick or treating. However, she ultimately decided on an owl. Last summer she went on a field trip with the day care to the local zoo. Apparently, the owl there winked at her and now she loves owls. So we (I) carved an owl on her pumpkin. We bought two pumpkins not because I like carving pumpkins so much as we wanted the extra seeds for roasting when we were done. So I drew a regular Jack-O-Lantern face on the other and believe it or not, EmmaLi carved the second pumpkin. She did an awesome job. I did the mouth because she had gotten a little tired and the mouth is the trickiest after all.
Below are some pictures of her working on our master piece. 

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