Saturday, November 15, 2008

A very sad day

Yesterday was a bad day all around. It seemed everything that could go wrong did. The last half hour at work was spent trying to get out of there by 6:00pm to go to soccer practice but the calls and "emergencies" kept coming. I did make it out the door at 6:00pm and picked up EmmaLi. I forgot her soccer cleats and she insisted on wearing her cleats and not regular tennis shoes. So we went home before going to McDonald's for diiner on the go. As soon as we walked in I noticed something was not right. Our kitty Mei Mei usuall is at the door to greet us. She was not there. Instead I found her laying on the floor in the living room. She was not moving. As I approached her, she didn't lift her head and I noticed her face was contorted. She had passed away. I do not know what caused this kitty or her sister to pass away. Both seemed healthy and fine the morning each of them passed away. Meimei was eating, drinking, peeing and pooping on schedule. She was running in front of me to leave the bedroom before me in the morning like she always does. It is a mystery. I suspect there was some sort of genetic disorder or siezure disorder these two sister kitties.

We will miss her very much. We buried her in the back yard today and will remember her forever. EmmaLi wants a new kitty but I told her we would take a break from pets for now. We will have to make due with our guppies.

It does seem strange in the morning when a kitty is not chasing me out the bedroom door to get in front of me. It seemed strange to lay in bed last night and look up to the spot Meimei liked to sleep and find it empty. It was also strange to come back from our soccer game this morning and not be met at the door by a kitty.
In honor of both of our kitties Mao-ee and Meimei, I am posting their pictures.

1 comment:

okjansy said...

Kim and Emmali,
I am so sorry to hear about your kitties. I understand exactly what you mean when they are no longer in the places you expect them to be. If my cat isn't in my lap in the evening while I am watching TV, it just doesn't feel right. My sympathies are with you.
Becky R