We decided to take a long weekend and go camping. We have friends who moved to NC whom we have not seen in the year they have been there. Finally we were both able to manage to fit a camping trip in.
Myrtle Beach is about 3 hours drive for us. EmmaLi decided about two hours into the drive that she didn't ever want to go back to Myrtle Beach ever again. She said it was "Too far, far away." She drove me nutso for the last hour of the drive with "Are we there yet?" two minutes later..."How much further?" I would answer and she would whine "Awwwwww! I want to be at Myrtle Beach right now!" a minute later "Now how much further?" I would answer and she would respond with "Not how many minutes! How far is it?" I would tell her the miles and she would say "Awwwww! That's too much! I want to be there now!" ARGH! I have no idea what she is going to do about the long drive to Kentucky this summer.
Once we were there she loved it. She had two friends to play with one is three days older than she is and the other is one year younger. The camp ground was directly on the beach. We chose a camp site away from the beach and close to the pool and in the shade. They had a pier that played live music at night and you could fish off of it during the day. The arcade was great for the little ones. They just love riding them. You don't even have to put money in the machines.
I will say though that I almost cancelled the trip. Thursday night before we left I discovered that Memorial Day weekend is Black Bike Week. While I don't have an issue with black folks or bikers, the scene on the streets is NOT what you want to expose your 4 and 5 year olds to. My coworkers said that the goal is to have the biggest, barest bootie bouncing the highest on the back of the bikes. The girls wear barely anything and have those back sides propped up high on the back of the bikes. They showed me a web site of past pictures and it looks more like a porn site than a Bike Rally. After talking to a few others who were familiar with the area and had been there before it was decided that we would be far enough north that we wouldn't have much exposure to the nudity on the bikes. As it turns out, they were right. It really was a non-issue. Bikes are not permittind in the camp ground during bike rallies so we didn't have that noise in the camp area. We have nearly everything we needed inside the campground so there wasn't much need to leave. I will say that my friend left to get BBQ sauce at Kroger. When he returned he announced he saw boobies. Apparently, a woman on the back of a bike was flashing all the cars going the opposite direction. If any of us were going to see that I am glad it was him.
Here are some pictures of the weekend. 

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