Preschool that is. Last night we had her preschool graduation. The day care had 23 children who are starting kindergarten this August and who graduated. They performed a little play of The Very Hungry Caterpiller. My baby was an orange and so was her honey Little Mr Trent.
After they did The Very Hungry Caterpillar, they sang a couple songs for us. One song was especially cute. It was "If Your Happy and You Know It". This version was If your happy and you know it Blow a kiss, hug yourself and shout I love You!. So cute and my child could be heard over everyone singing that song. The picture below shows EmmaLi doing the I Love You! part. 

After the if your Happy and You Know it they sang Itty Bitty Seeds and This Little Light of Mine.
Then they did a demonstration of sign language. They recited the ABC's using sign language and they demonstrated how to say Jesus Love Me and Jesus Loves You in sign language. I have video of the Itty Bitty Seeds and the sign language. If I can get it uploaded I'll post it. As it is now it is not in a format Blogger likes.
They were then excused from the room to get ready to walk down the isle and recieve their diplomas. While the children were getting their caps and gowns on they played a slide show for the parents, families and friends. Below is the segment for EmmaLi. Also in a format Blogger does not like.
Below are pictures of EmmaLi walking down the isle, standing with her friends waiting their turn to get their diplomas and one of EmmaLi receiving her diploma.

God Bless all of the Preschool Graduates in the class of 2008. May you all have a soft landing into Kindergarten.
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