Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Father's Day!!!!!

Father's Day is an interesting day in our house. We call my father (Emmie's Grandfather) and wish him a Happy Father's Day but we don't have a Father in our house. All week Emmie told me how excited she was about Father's Day. Out of no where she would say "Sunday is Father's Day?" I would tell her "Yes, it is. We need to call your Grandfather on Sunday." She would then say "I am so excited for Father's Day." I would I say "We don't have a father in our house. Why are you excited for Father's Day?" She would answer "I don't know." I didn't want her to be disappointed because she didn't have a dad to spend the day with.

My belief is that the Day Care makes a big deal about it; however, they do not always take into consideration that all children do not have fathers or their fathers may be absent in their lives. Last year and the year before when all of her classmates were making gifts for their fathers they helped her make a gift for me and her Grandfather each year repectively; which was great. They made me a Happy Father's Day Mommy gift one year and a Happy Father's Day Pawpaw the next. She got to participate and they let her know her Grandfather was important and I play both roles as mother and father. This year I was disappointed as the "special fathers day" crafts/gift specifically said "To My Dad" or "For My Father". I added "Grand" to one of the gifts they made but it was impossible to correct the other one.

Adopting as a single most of the time is easy. I don't have to consult anyone on how to I raise my child. I don't have to come to an agreement on the best ways to disipline. I don't have to consider whether spending money on a trip to a theme park is in the budget. The only times I feel bad about it is around Father's Day. Truth be told, Emmie doesn't want a father or at least that is what she tells me. Maybe she is just trying to make me feel better about not giving her a daddy. We had a conversation a couple weeks ago about my getting married one day. She said "I don't want you to get married and have a husband." I asked her why and she said "Because I like our family just me and you." Then she asked "Don't you like our family just me and you?" I said "Yes, of course I love our little family. I love that we have had three years just you and me but sometimes Mommy really wishes she had a husband too." She said "Well, you can marry me and I will be your husband." LOL Silly girl.
Today we we went to do something fun that we thought Grandpa would like to do. Emmie thought he would like to go to EdVenture again. Edventure is a wondreful Children's Museum in town. I convinced her that her Grandfather will most likely prefer a different musuem so we went to the South Carolina Museum instead. After going I think my dad would like that musuem but it is not one that Emmie wants to return to. She wasn't sure about a lot of the exhibits. Some were a little scary for her like the 30 foot replica of the Great White Shark that has been extinct for millions of years or the Wooly Mammoth. She thought it was an elephant with really long tusks. Maybe she'll be ready for it again in a couple of years. There were some things she thought were really cool like the replica of the first train that was on display. She could climb up into the seating are.

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