Saturday, March 22, 2008

It's egg hunting season!

Yesterday we had our fourth annual Easter Party. Ever year we have a little Easter Party on Good Friday. The day cares are closed and many mom's have to take the day off due to no child care. Below are the pictures from the party.
Today we went to our neighborhood church for an egg hunt. The reader board outside said they have a "Massive Egg Hunt with 25,000 eggs". I had no idea what 25000 eggs would look like until we got there. They had sandwiches, chips, cookies and drinks for everyone afterwards. There was a raffle (we didn't win anything) and a band playing. It was a lot of fun. Half of EmmaLi's day care class was there and we didn't know they were coming. After loading the pictures onto my computer I saw that a little boy that used to go to Emmie's first day care and then went to her current day care for a few weeks was right next to us. I had lifted my camera up over my head to take pictures of the crowd and spotted him in the photos. Small word isn't it?

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