Sunday, November 9, 2008

EmmaLi's first report card

Another first for my baby girl. She received her first report card last week. She has a perfect report card with all C's. Kindergarten does not have A's, B's, C's, D's, and F's like the upper grades. Kindergarten has C for Consistantly completes task, S for Sometimes completes task, and R for Rarely completes task. It was a little inaccurate in that it was marked indicating EmmaLi can count to 20 but she has been able to do that since she was two and a half. She can count to 100 but the report card only goes to 99. I am assuming the expectation for the first quarter was only to count to 20 so they mark it to 20. She did have a check mark on all of her letters and the sounds they make when asked "Can identify the following letters" and "Can identify the sound of the following letters". In her Related Arts classes (Computer Lab, Art, Library, Music and PE) she scored all S's. In these classes kindergarteners score S for satisfactory or N for Needs Improvement.

So her first report card is a perfect one. I hope she continues to love to learn and pick up on what is taught. When children love to learn they do better than when they don't. Hopefully, I will continue to enable her to reach her full campacity. I think we are on the right track. She told me earlier this week that for Christmas she only wants DVD's, Wii games, board games, books and puzzles. LOL She has always loved puzzles and enjoys the challenge of them.

She also wants a microscope and telescope. I am not sure that she would play with those right away but it is one of those toys she will grow into and hopefully she'll get a love for science. Kindergarten science is not terribly challenging but she loves the study of and learning about nature which is what kindergarten science concentrates on. Once again I must sing the praises of EmmaLi's teacher. She has hatched caterpillars into butterflies and let them loose with the kids, they conducted "experiments" on pumpkins around Halloween and she has set up an aquarium in the classroom and took some of our baby guppies to class so the kids can learn how they change colors when they grow up.

I am so proud of my girl and her love of learning. She comes home every day and never ceases to amaze me with what she has learned, retained and understands.

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